Advice about how to talk to family.

First off, YOU ARE NOT ALONE. This is a common symptom of depression and occurs more often when you take anti-depressants. I suffer from the ocassional when my medication changes. Generally my doctor monitors it and if it doesn't go away in a few weeks then change the meds. I'm not a doctor, but I've been battling mental illness for over 20 years and it sounds like your medication is not working for you and you need to change it or some portion of your med cocktail.

As for talking to your family and your doctor about your mental health BE AN ASSHOLE. What I mean is you have to take control of situations where you are asking for help, so being dismissed or mocked isn't an acceptable response from someone who desires to be helpful. Do not be afraid to be a total bitch or be harshly polite in telling someone you they are not hearing you or are being rude. When it comes to mental health aid patients have to be slightly agressive about communicating their needs because mental health care is such a mess it's very easy to e lost in the system or cast aside. So learn to be unafraid to make a scene.

As for your situation, If you are hearing things and they aren't taking it seriously, find another adult or family friend they trust and call a famiky meeting. Explain that you are stuggling mentally and you need help. This is going to do two things: one, by bringing an outsider into the situation it forces your parents to neutral ground with a mediator, and two its going to make them realize you are fucking serious and you need help.

As for your doctor, FIND A NEW DOCTOR. Any type of auditory hallucination, whether they speak to you or not, is a enormous warning sign something is wrong. Added to the fact that you sound rather frighten about the sounds and it's disrupting your daily routine these are some really big red flags and it concerns me that your doctor isn't taking action.

/r/mentalhealth Thread