Advice needed!! Partner wants to have kids but I'm seriously opposed. Who should give in and do what the other wants?

I'm not belittling my SO. I love them to death. telling other people that my SO does not understand the work it takes to care for a child. Is just a fact. that's not an insult towards them, I was stating how they like the idea of the perfect family they see in movies and such, but have no idea what it takes realistically. Which is why they're not actually dead set on having kids. I respect my SO's wants and needs more than anything.

That's why I made this post in the first place. I thought I was being a jerk for not wanting to have kids. I want my SO to understand what it takes and THEN see if they still want kids. Because they haven't even babysat a kid once or even an animal for that matter.

I'm most definitely going to talk to my SO. I came on here to get a neutral third party opinion to give me some insight and advice before I talk to them. This is all because of how much I care about my SO, and I want to talk to them and really understand their side of things.

Thank you for stating your view on things.

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