[Advice] Trailer Trash Tales vol. 1

Trash person here. The answer, as always with dating, is to chill.

Maybe she's crazy attracted to you despite all your self doubt. That happens. I look like a hedgehog with an erection but I've still had obscenely attractive people hit on me for no socially comprehensible reason.

Maybe she just likes to tease people and you were giving her attention. I've done that too. You should see how emotionally slutty I get with my affection at the local orphanage because those kids don't care who's giving out the hugs.

Maybe she has shitty boundaries and was just being aggressively intimate with a stranger. Hell, I don't have enough fingers, toes, and holes in my face to count the number of times I've tried to propose to strangers while drunk.

Maybe she likes to stir things up. Well, fuck. If that's the case, then you're already in the shit and there's nothing to do but ride it out. At least you'll be aware it's coming.

Or maybe you were drunk and misread things? Happens to the best of us. I post here about it all the time.

My personal feeling, in any of the above cases, is that you should just chill and see what happens. Maybe the world ends. Maybe nothing comes of it. But this is probably one of those situations where it's better to react than act.

Best of luck. Hope this ends uneventfully in your favor.

/r/OkCupid Thread