After how many dates do you stop using Tinder?

This all depends on a number of factors, primarily his age, level of attractiveness, his motivation for being on Tinder (ie fuckboy or looking for love) but most importantly the signals he is giving you or not giving you as to whether or not he is interested in escalating things to the relationship level so quickly.

I'm all for honest and open communication but in my opinion as a 40 yr old guy who lives in LA and fucks, you will absolutely make this guy think you're needy and have no other options if you attempt to define your relationship after only three dates.

Guys like girls who present themselves as being desired by other men, not in a I'll fuck anything that moves sort of way but after all it's human nature to want what we can't have. I would just play it cool and have fun with him for a bit, find out if he's worthy of you and if you like him first. And besides, do you really want just one guy right now? My grandpa said it best, "why make one miserable when you can make 'em all happy"...

/r/Tinder Thread