After women hit the wall at 29, "they start to develop smells that reflect how many men they've fucked."

Thank you. That's what i do. I use to be all for feminism when i learned about it in high school. Then i was expose to the crazies. Before the main evils of society for me was the crazy Christian fundies which I was fine with. But hearing about some radfem fantasy about marching young boys and grown men naked down city hall to be castrated effected me badly. Followed up by another radfem making a list about how everything i could possible do or think made me a rape support. Then more and more crazy radfem bullshit. Then the sjws start popping up saying how im literally satan despite me agreeing with a lot of what they claim to fight for. When I heard about the MRAs I almost supported them before realizing that this was the same trap of feminism i fell for. Sure they may seem rational at first but i already learned my lesson. I wasn't going explore that just to torture myself with other people's insane vileness. I though that feminism was rational too at first. By all means, these people need to be mocked and ridicule but i dont know if Im really to dive into that pit as well. No, Im going to focus on the crazies attacking video games and fucking with my liberal ideology. I'll leave the "manosphere" to you brave fools to fight. I seen the brief glimpses to know you guys are probably not exaggerating when you call it a pit of misogyny and despair.

Also thank you. Writing all of this feels kinda cathartic. I dont think im going to get a lot of agreement here but hopefully a few are able to understand what im trying to say. In either case, i needed to vent that out.

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