Air France's gay stewards refuse to go to Iran, where homosexuality is punishable by death

Thanks for replying. Honestly I don't know why I even brought up the trans thing. Both are LGBT issues that are a big deal right now but they are apples and oranges. I'm more than willing to bet that we agree on the bathroom thing.

This might sound odd but I hold gender identity and sexual orientation to different standards. Gender identity affects your whole being while orientation is a relatively small facet of life. Unless you've transitioned entirely, people most likely can tell just by looking at you that you're different. That opens a transperson up to a lot more discrimination, like something as obvious as race or sex. For a business owner to know my sexual orientation, I would have to tell them outright or engage in a PDA. I guess I would have to expose myself to discrimination rather than experience it unexpectedly. It isn't hard for me to blend in so I don't have many problems.

I'm guessing that more flamboyant men or women would have a harder time than I under the religious freedom act.

The thing that gets me is that, being homosexual implies that you engage in gay sex. That's an action that a lot of people might not approve of. I don't think that they should really care, but some people do and they are allowed their opinions. So it's less about who I am and more about what I do. And I'm fairly certain that we are allowed to judge others based on their actions.

I guess I need to do more thinking on the subject, but I formed my opinions based on my own experiences. Really what I need are answers to LG questions that I've never gotten to debate. So while you're reading this, do you mind answering a question for me? I know you are T rather than LGB but you are a part of the community and, if you want, I'd like to know what you think.

Does one's sexuality determine their traits or does their environment dictate that? Some gays are very flamboyant while others fit into hetero society better. I was always under the impression that the stereotypical gay traits were somewhat of a result of an individual's upbringing and the way that they internalized their sexuality and society's views on that. More nurture than nature if you will.

I'm sorry if any of this sounds... insensitive. I've only been out for a year or so and I'm still in college. I've never asked any of my LGBT friends about this for fear of offending. I have a hard enough time fitting in with them as it is so I try not to push my luck.

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