AITA I almost died at work today and my wife is angry I didn't ask about her day when I got home

You are right that "construction" was a silly generalization of all high-risk jobs. But men tending to work higher-risk jobs, and doing so for longer, is the explanation as to why men claim more workplace injuries. I only skimmed it, but your study seemed to prove my point?

I do not think it's not an issue. It's still a choice, though, even if that choice is influenced by awful cultural standards. I don't think it's fair to compare it to assault, which you literally have no control over. You can change jobs, you can't change who you are.

You haven't explained to me why you couldn't just use a "Woman experiencing a near-death workplace experience" as an example. You could've even used "Felt like they were being stalked" instead of jumping straight to assault, because comparing something with physical and emotional injury to something with emotional injury just isn't a good comparison. That's not to say that someone couldn't be effected more by a workplace accident than an assault, because everyone is different and is impacted by things differently, but it's just a bad comparison.

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