AITA? Family drama.

I'm posting because I want to know if I was the asshole for refusing the request, despite her continually desperate need for attention and validation. Family being what it is, to most people, I've been conflicted.

By the fifth hour when dad called me for the sixth time, begging me to lie to her (to supposedly save her life), knowing full well that I would be lying if I said that I loved her, I was done, I laid it all bare, I couldn't handle it anymore.

All of us are in therapy, my dad supposedly only for the last year, but my sister and I have both separately been getting therapy for years already. When I told my dad the severity of the threats she had been making, how she had me visibly trembling at work with her nonsense, not knowing she could hear me, she said "I was just trying to get you to respond." I lashed out by juvenile name-calling and ended the call, I felt betrayed that I was on speaker with her able to hear me without being told. That ended the first of 6 calls. I was immediately called back for another hour of torture. In the end, everything was good, all was well, but within 20 minutes, another call came in, a new crises had arisen, new validation was required. I complied, the call ended on a good note, all was seemingly well, we were okay, and so on and so forth for hours. Until the last call. My dad ended the sixth call, when I refused to talk to her in any capacity, and that's the last I've heard from him in almost a year. I told him "happy birthday dad, I love you", a few months ago, and twelve hours later, he said "Thank you." I think I new then that he was actually done with me, but the unfriending on facebook really hit me, as lame as it seems. It's been our main source of communication for several years, since he can see it better than he can see texts.

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