AITA for breaking up with my girlfriend over "consent required"?

You are definitely NTA. This is a huge red flag IMO and I would think long and hard before getting back together with this girl. The fact that she cannot differentiate consent with whatever her feelings are is quite scary she may very well be feeling unapprecaited or that you aren't Romantic enough, but it is common sense that people in a monogamous sexual relationship dont ask for consent each time the have sex. That would just be odd and a huge mood killer for one (like, excuse me honey, do I have your consent to touch you here? How about here?) In a healthy relationship, if someone isnt in the mood, they will just tell the other person they aren't feeling like it right now and the other person will respect that and stop trying. They shouldn't have to ask for consent like you're on a first date. The way she is saying that makes me concerned she could be one of those girls who would accuse you of something if she gets angry or because you broke up with her, so be very careful about what you say in texts to her if she is already mad that you broke up with her. Consent is obviously a very important thing and she is using it as a

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