Parents should be more worried about finding their kids with alcohol than finding pot

TIL weed is actually worse than most make it seem.

You know after reading all of these top comments, I think I can say my view has finally been changed. I never really get talked into changing my view very often, but after reading these arguments I can definitely say my view is changed.

I used to be completely fine with marijuana, even though I've never smoked it, and don't want to, I always supported the use of marijuana. Mainly because the ONLY side of the argument I ever heard was pro-weed. I never heard the other side's reasoning as to why it was so bad, but now that i've seen it..

The main points that got me were; affecting brain development at under 18, and also triggering severe anxiety and depression. Both of which are terrible, and long if not, ever lasting. Also, lowering your IQ by up to 15 points isn't very flattering either. Also, I never really understood the whole "it's not addictive" argument, when clearly it can be.

I'm NOT saying alcohol is better by any means, ya know with liver disease and such. But at least now I have a clearer mind on the matter. Thanks for all the info, reddit.

/r/unpopularopinion Thread