AITA for buying my own laptop after my dad said I had to share the one he gave me?

Shock, then anger, then calling me a bunch of names... pretty much what I expected at that point. He legitimately thought I was being crazy and wanted me to go get a checkup at a mental health facility. I just needed some help, and I'd regret breaking it off... blah blah blah.

There are a bunch of stories about the guy, but a few days after I left he had a female friend call me one night in a "sexy" voice and ask for him. I told her that he couldn't be reached at that number anymore and she said "Oh really? This is the number he gave me before he left this morning".

So I went over the top again. I got all excited and said "You know where he is? I've been trying to reach him for a few days now ... can you pass along a message? Just tell him that the results are back and he needs to contact all prior sexual partners! Oh! And to refrain from sex until he talks to a doctor"

He called back seconds later, pretty livid. I told him that if he didn't start it by trying to make a woman who doesn't give a shit anymore jealous, it wouldn't have happened. Then I hung up on him.

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