AITA for changing how I take prenatal vitamins without talking to my husband first?

YTA - this is a shared endeavor. Most folks planning for a baby makes sure conditions are right as possible.If something is not right you and your husband consult a doctor. If you did not want to share with your husband just yet, call the doctor and see what options their are - could be what your doing is just fine or maybe there’s something else recommended. Spina Bifeda is not a joke and definitely something you want to avoid- now vitamins will help conditions for a healthy start but will not eliminate something happening. All you can do is go by doctor’s recommendations and hope for a healthy child. You should have spoken to your husband and doctor - your all need to be on the same page. This is a conscious decision made by two people to create optimal conditions for a healthy pregnancy, therefore it make sense your husband needs to be a apprised ( and your doctor).

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread