AITA for choosing to not get treatment and not telling anyone

YTA. Sure, it might easier for you to just refuse treatment and die , but what about the people that you're leaving behind? Have you even thought for one second how your girlfriend will feel when you just drop dead one day, without giving her a chance to say goodbye? And then find out later that she could have had that chance, but you refused to give it to her?

f you truly want to refuse treatment, that's your perogative. They can beg you to and offer money all they want, but they can't physically make you, so if you're so sure you don't want treatment then why can't you just tell them and stick to your guns? Not giving your family or girlfriend a chance to say goodbye is beyond selfish. I don't know what I would do if my boyfriend did something like that to me, but I don't think all the therapy in the world would help me get over that betrayal; that pain would last forever. Tell. Them.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread