AITA For Expecting Him to Pay?

I was just trying to be nice and give him a chance. I should mention, even after him scamming me with the locked card, he tried to put his arms around me and then said sometimes couples fight. He then asked me to get in his card and I said no, so he insisted on carrying my takeout and "walking me home".

He then said he had to urinate when he got to my house, and I reluctantly said he could go. Suddenly he then came out and sat down in my kitchen and took off his shoes and I asked him to leave.

He said "can we go outside and talk about it" and I said no and he only left once he heard my roommate.

he then texted me a week later asking if he we could meet again and saying he's sad I kicked him out and wishes we could have made out...

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent