AITA for expecting my daughter to help her brother?

YTA. I have shirked my financial responsibilities to the max for 10 years. Granted my debt is in medical and school and a small amount in credit cards($200). My father was also very big on family being there for eachother. Yet I have never asked my brothers to help pay for my debt. My father passed away 7 years ago, and since then I have only collected more debt with out him helping out. Honestly my debt is ridiculous from recurring charges(school). I would never expect my brothers to pay for my fuck up! (I say fuck up because I dropped out of school and stupidly decided I shouldn't have to pay for something I didn't gain anything from... yes I'm stupid atleast I acknowledge it..) I EASILY COULD HAVE STARTED TO PAY MY DEBT! Instead I decided to do basically what your son has done. Now I am ridiculously working hard to pay off my debt while working a $13 an hour job and living 100% alone (as in rent, utilies, insurance, phone, internet, food, hygiene... EVERYTHING!!!) NO HELP FROM ANY ONE!!) I GET $1600 a month after taxes and still take care of my shit! It's fucking rough.It is ridiculous you are asking your daughter to pay for your son and HIS GIRLFRIEND'S room and board. You are asking your hard working daughter to pay for your son and slacker girlfriend!? Why didn't his girlfriend also do odd jobs? If it is that bad of a situation why don't you pay it off? Also why isn't your sons girlfriend or her parents trying to help? Your daughter may never see that money back! She worked hard for it! Why should her hard work and great financial planning go to pay for negligent fun she didn't even have!? You may feel that it is okay to ask since she is living at home to save money, but SHIT! I assume you gave your son the same opportunity as your daughter, if not then you suck. IT IS NOT HER FAULT HE FUCKED UP! Sorry if this is crude but you need to rethink this whole thing. If my father ever asked my brothers to take care of my debt I would be so flipping upset the same way they would be. I HATE to say this because it is a jab at the way I was raised by my parents... but you should have taught him how to be financially responsible and take care of himself. Clean up this mess yourself. It's not her responsibility, it is yours for not implementing proper limits to life and fun. I don't think that made sense but whatever... I'm so salty right now. Also I apologize for using the word fuck so much. Just fix it without harming your daughter.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread