AITA for getting mad at my Mom for providing very little medical care when I was a kid?

Info: what of the injuries you mentioned do you think a doctor would have handled differently? I have broken my finger and all they did was splint it. I have scars from childhood injuries, I’ve had rashes and allergic reactions to things. It’s pretty safe to assume most people have gotten a second degree burn, which hurts like the dickens, but doesn’t usually require medical attention. Typically I talked my mom out of going to the doctor for this type of thing, but the end result is the same. I healed and so did you. I do think missing a vaccine was neglectful, though there are people who forego them against scientific reason so I’m not sure what her reasoning was behind that. I’m not saying you are TA, but is it possible that she actually knew there was nothing the doctor would have done differently? I’m not bashing you, I just think that your moms parenting style is just more casual. Had you broken a leg or needed stitches I would definitely think a trip to the hospital was Warentee. These just all sound like trivial things that dont necessarily require a visit to the doctor. (Except the vax issue)

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread