AITA for getting mad at my parents after they didn’t tell me about my autism diagnosis until 12 years after I was diagnosed?


Although? Try not to be so angry with them.

A lot of people are in denial when they find something is going on with their child. Especially if they don't understand it. They are:

■ intimidated by the diagnosis.

■ full of guilt about it for some reason.

■ somehow feeling responsible.

■ confused, embarrassed, and don't know what to do about it.

■ capable of sweeping it under the carpet so they don't have to deal with it.

Our parents are not perfect.

They are human beings just like we are. They make mistakes just like we do.

Whatever the reason? They certainly should have told you.

What you can do?

Go to your school and let the counselor know. Ask them what they can do to help you with your school work? I'm sure they'd be more than willing to help you.

Don't worry - you've got this.

{{Virtual Hugs}}

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread