AITA for getting mad at my mom for not telling me the truth from the start?

NAH. Man, I honestly don’t get the AH judgements here sometimes. You’re rightfully upset because your mom lied to you. You were manipulated into feeling like an independent adult, only to learn no, most of your money comes from your mom who hasn’t spoken to or reached out to you until 2 months ago.

Your mom isn’t an AH because in her eyes she’s just helping out her kid, but boy I wish people realised that manipulating/lying to your kids is fucked up even if you have their “best interests” in mind.

P.S. again I’m not against your mom in this, but it’s a little silly that other commenters are applauding her for financially supporting you all this time as if that isn’t the bare minimum a parent should do. Sorry you were lied to for so long.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread