AITA for saying that if me and my BF move in together we have to sleep in separate rooms?

YTA, yall havent even moved in yet and you're already making ultimatums holy shit, please try to take a step back and realize you need to compromise in a relationship, not have a "my way or the highway" attitude.
You havent even given it a shot yet and are already making demands, if I was him I'd be wondering if you were someone I wanted to spend my life with at this point. Not for the sleeping in separate rooms, but the "ultimatum" and the way you are going about this. Him having his own opinion and wanting to sleep next to his girlfriend is him "controlling your decisions" If you want 100% of the power in the relationship you need to either find someone who wants no control of their life, or you need to realize he is an equal and learn to chill tf out.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread