AITA for saying my dad only wants me to dress ultra conservatively because of the way he looks at women?

Short as in above the knee not short as in my ass is on display. You don't quite know my parents or what they did to my brother and I growing up nor did I say everyone disagrees with me. My father is a narcissist to the point where he slapped my brother across the face for referring to my dad as "he". Thats right my 11 year old brother said where is "he" and my dad saw that as disresepctful came in the room and slapped him. I was beaten with wooden spoons and screamed at for every minor thing that he deemed disrespectful and my dad even choked me once, all while forcing us to go to church and be christian. But you're right im a snowflake and my clothes are straight up slutty. I wrote the story HONESTLY because I wanted people to have the full story without me putting my own bias in. Fuck off.

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