AITA for saying to my brother that his kids’ future isn’t my problem?

Let me put it another way.

We hate the property tax. We want the government to go easier on us.

But it’s too late. Let’s say I’m five years late on my taxes and that’s it. Can’t pay em.

Would I rather the feds auction off the house for way more than I owed in taxes, making a profit-

Or would I rather the house go to a human being and the government get only what they’re owed in taxes and not a penny more?

This is tough and you’ve really provoked a lot of thought (though haven’t changed my mind just made me angrier at our government)

And I’m starting to wonder if I should post or write someone or 100 famous people and be like hey. Man. This is not the year for property taxes. They are POO STINKIN this year. I need to call Oprah. She needs to pay our property taxes.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent