AITA for saying that I would report my colleague for foul language instead of helping her reporting another person for harassment?

Amy is at least as much of an asshole.

She first insults op and then tries to get op on her side

And then has the audacity to say women should stand up together against men (dont know the exact words anymore) as a explanation to get op on her side. that comment alone makes her an asshole

And she wants to go to HR for sexual harassment. She could make a complaint and Tom would get a warning or something but she straight up called it sexual harassment which is not only false but I think if she really went/will go to HR about it Tom could also complain to HR for false. A few others pointed out why it isnt sexual harassment so you could read other comments (or ask me and I will say it in another reply because this reply is already big)

And I wont say Tom is not a asshole because he shouldnt hug without consent because he assumes she wouldnt mind because op doesnt mind. But he isnt as much of an asshole like Amy (again you should read other comments about it or ask me and I say it in another reply)

Op wasnt really involved in this so I she isnt an asshole and IMO her comment isnt only true (because legally Amy is in this situation in a worse place than Tom) but it was right of her to point out that Amy isnt completly innocent either

So ESH but not op

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent