AITA for insisting I'm not pregnant and yelling at my mom?

As a young female child I was "passed around" by a "sperm donor" soldier (I REFUSE to call him a father) to the his soldiers & men on his side of family. Luckily at 9yo my 3rd grade teacher noticed something was "wrong" w/me so she started paying more attention to me every day. I came to school (vaginal) bleeding one day she took me in a private room to talk to me about "periods" but I finally confessed. So between her, guidance counselor & our DARE officer from back then my brother & I got out of that hell we had to call home. All the soldiers I recognized were kicked out, forced to retire or whatever. None, not even males in his family, served jail time. My sperm donor ranked soldier was forced to retire & only served 3 years in state prison. This was in the '80's so it was all hush-hush. More so swept under rug even farther since it involved a few 'ranked' military men.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread