AITA for kicking my son out of the car?

When my fiancé was in his early twenties he was actually caught red-handed selling opiates, after having other minor run ins with cops in his teens over similar things. He also happens to be a part of a race of people who are generally very mistreated by cops.

Even so, he only got a year. So, pardon me if I think your justifications and “oh they just wanted to prove a point, my husband barely did anything wrong” sounds like a load of bullshit.

You’re a genuinely bad parent, favoring your daughter immensely and thinking that fear is a good way to punish your other child because he told the truth. I hope there’s at least one adult in his life that doesn’t invalidate his emotions, ignore his trauma, and treat him like shit. That poor boy.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent