AITA for leaving my sisters phone in the rain?


Your sister should have listened to you. If she's old enough to have a phone she is old enough to care for it.

However you knew where it was, and knew it might rain, I don't think it was very nice of you to leave it to break when you could have prevented it. Maybe if it had been left somewhere out of danger it wouldn't be a bad thing, just a harmless lesson for your sister (even though that doesn't seem to be working given your story)

Your mom is also not cool here, she must have been aware of your sisters habits of losing it and I honestly don't think she deserves to be given a new phone.

I don't mean to sound mean, I get the position your in. As someone with a younger sibling who is also uncaring of her items, I get how you feel. It's frustrating. Truly.

Everyone is to blame.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread