AITA For letting my step-daughter spend a night in jail instead of bailing her out right away

NTA. On two fronts. One, you are very awesome for not drinking and driving. Being honest about that stuff saves lives and as someone who had a large swath of family members killed by one drunk driver, I appreciate you for that.

Two? I know this comment will probably be lost in the river of comments already by people who said it more eloquently, but I was pretty unhinged when I was younger. I finally pushed too far and ended up in jail for a day and a half. I'm constantly so grateful for that time because I really was aware that my actions had consequences. I cried and screamed and begged for the process to go faster. It was miserable. It was horrifying. And I'm really glad, in my older years, that it was.

So yeah. One night in jail is probably good. She was already arrested at that point and having time to sit and think about your actions is a good way to grow.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread