AITA for letting my son avoid a special needs child?

NTA. But as a mom with a special needs son, my heart is literally breaking for Aiden and his mom. It’s important to teach your child that his boundaries and concerns matter. But it is also important to explain to him that not everyone understand and responds correctly in situations. My son gets so very excited but sometimes has a REALLY hard time expressing that excitement. He is smart, but his brain doesn’t process the same way a neurotypical child does. I think it would be good to teach your son that. Aiden may pick up that someone is annoyed or uncomfortable but that might not mean anything to him. He may not be able to understand why that is a problem or even how to change it/ make it better. So while Aiden may be noticing that the kids demeanor changes, he might not understand that he is the reason why.

My greatest fear after my son was born (because we didn’t find out about the special needs until after he was born) is my son being alienated and not having friends. It’s honestly the worst feeling to see your child singled out and basically avoided especially when he doesn’t fully understand that it is his actions causing it.

You really do sound like a great dad and NTA. But I’m also, I’d be broken if Aiden was my son. Because I have been there and it hurts more than anything to watch your child being so alienated and left out.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread