AITA for this McDonald's parking lot argument

Okay I'm gonna shoot you completely straight here, you need a lot of help. This is coming from a sincere place but it's still going to hurt because it's the truth. I was reading through your post history and saw that you posted in Suicide Watch. Please for the love of Christ go see a therapist. It sounds like you have a lot to get off your chest. And I don't know much about you and your ex but from skimming one of your dozen posts about her it doesn't sound healthy. Block her number and stop talking to her. It's not good for your mental health. Also stop posting in MGTOW or going there anyways. They're all a bunch of incels and you don't need that in your life. You've got to get over your past dude. You literally have 10+ posts about this McDonald's incident that I guarantee all of the teenagers in the car have forgotten about. They're a bunch of assholes who you'll never meet again. Fucking ignore them and move on. Stop eating at McDonald's, Arbys, or whatever else. Learn to cook. Know what's going in your food and body and know that it's healthy and good for you. Get a gym membership. It's not about getting hot so you can get a girlfriend. It's about self improvement and discipline and achieving a lifestyle that you're proud of. You're still young. Not even 30 yet. Don't let your life go to waste.

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