AITA for not allowing my 17 year old daughter to see a therapist?

I feel so bad for the 17 year old who has to go through this.

As a 12 year old girl that has recently began the hormones i can tell you sincerely that it’s horrible.

Every time,every day,you don’t want to wake up,you just want to sleep forever and never face the true consequences of having such devastating feelings. you just want to end it all yet,you think about the ones that love you.

Suicide is a real thing,and it hurts,it hurts so much,it hurts when you tell the people that are supossed to have your back and they just dismiss it and even more,make fun of it.

Who do you think you are?! “h0 h0 tEeHee i d0nT wAnT mY kId t0 CuRe HeR DepReSsi0n “

I really don’t know what you even thought of when you posted this and though you weren’t the ass on here, because it takes a lot of balls to not help a kid,even more,ur kid.

I sincerely hope that she remembers this,and in the times that you will need her the most,she will remember the hell you gave her when she was only 17.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread