AITA For Not Letting Daughter Play Topless


I absolutely get where your wife is coming from, it's silly that a child's body is sexuslized by society to the point that boys and girls are expected to wear things or not wear things, differently.

But I also agree, I think I would had reacted the same, not because I feel like my child needs to hide her body for my image as a parent to other parents, but for her safety. We live in a world where breasts (although they are meant for one thing) are sexuslized like crazy and our children shouldn't be the ones normalizing that. Fact of the matter is, girls are at a much higher risk of sexual assault. I don't trust anyone enough to put my girl outside with no shirt. It sucks, but it is very sadly, a valid worry. Bathing suit top or a sports bra/regular cotton bra would had been my request too.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread