AITA for not speaking to my mother?

nope, she pretty much destroyed our relationship singlehandedly. i was extremely depressed after some serious health problems forced me to quit my job and my parents more or less made me move back home because i couldn’t drive for awhile in september of 2015, and after a couple months my mother turned into this awful person who would come in my room to call me names (“bitch” was her favorite), she’d tell me she hated that i was living there, she’d come in my room and throw my stuff around (“cleaning”), told me i needed to “get over it”, and some other things i don’t feel like detailing at the moment. she basically threatened to kick me out of the house because i was depressed. i eventually did move out bc my boyfriend asked if i would move in with him in june of 2016, but couldn’t take everything with me right away. when i came back to get it all i discovered that she’d thrown it all away and that was the last straw. we haven’t spoken since.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent