AITA for not wanting my friend’s little sister to crash our D&D campaign?

I’m talking about V being a bit over protective over A, acting like she still under 5.

“Plus, A is super clingy to V, so I knew it would take his attention off the campaign if she was there” and then OP continues with “I asked V if he couldn’t find an alternative babysitter before the evening so we could still do it as planned. He said he didn’t want to put A with someone she didn’t know so last minute for something easily rearrangeable because he knew it would upset her”.

I understand that their mum died but A is 11, she growing up. When I was her age I was looked after for a couple of hours by people I didn’t always know. I don’t want to sound rude but coming from experience if she doesn’t start being a bit more independent and ease off with the clinginess then she might end up getting bullied or picked on at school like I was.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent