AITA for not watching kids at a cookout and leaving them unsupervised

NTA. Not your kids but your monkeys.. and you weren't even asked to watch them in the first place.

I absolutely HATE when people just ditch their kids on other people at parties. Somehow I always seem to wind up becoming the party "kid supervisor" because I actually keep an eye on my OWN child. People got real mad when my kid got old enough to play without me up in her business because then I wasn't keeping as close an eye on their kids. Like, maybe I want to sit on the deck and have a drink too. I can see my kid, she's 11, she's fine. Your toddler needing help or some other little kids fighting over something is NOT my problem anymore. Although now they try to make my 11 year old be the unsung, unpaid, unasked babysitter just because she's older. Like no, my 11 year old doesn't wanna supervise your cranky toddlers either. Terribly sorry. Lol.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread