AITA for ordering a vegan burger for my boyfriend?

It is, undoubtedly, a shitty move. YTA. Frankly, it's people like OP that create the 'meat or die' meateaters. Being condescending, taking the moral high ground or just going for the cheap gotcha moments is counterproductive and will create adamant meateaters. You risk that meat eating becomes a part of ones identity and its very hard to change once you're in that situation.

That being said, this should be a moment of clarity for the boyfriend. Vegetarian food can be absolutely delicious. I try to eat vegetarian when I can. Not because I have to, but because I came to the conclusion that meat in every meal of the day just isn't necessary. The boyfriend should consider abandoning his point of view that meat is absolutely necessary and start considering vegetarian/vegan alternatives. Not because someone forced him to come to that conclusion, but because he himself realises that the whole always meat premise just isn't worth it.

I still eat meat quite regularly. I know, however, that out consumption pattern as a species will have to change. Meat will become VERY expensive in the foreseeable future. I started exploring vegetarian options because it was MY realisation and MY decision. Trickrry and deceit will get you nowhere.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread