AITA for Questioning the Damage Bill my Daughter Caused to a Church

No, you're just shifting around what it is. What it is an offer to pay the bill. The church said 'ok' but aren't giving the bill. He has every right to ask for a bill and they are obligated to give it. He didn't agree to pay an asshole tax. You're just making shit up instead of addressing what's going on.


What you described the situation to be (which isn't what the situation is) is using the threat of exposure to obtain money. That's extortion. I know the definitions, no need to beg. By the definition you gave, your described scenario is extortion.

It's not. At all. What they have is an option. They are free to decline and face justified consequences.

Which isn't what he agreed to. He agreed to pay a bill for cleanup. If they want to charge more then they need to say so. And then he needs to agree to it (or not).

And they gave him the bill. It was likely cleaned by someone who works there and thus they set their own price.

You've clearly stated that this is an asshole tax. He doesn't owe an asshole tax. He owes the bill for cleanup. Please try to keep your own story straight.

No, he owes what the church deems appropriate.

Additionally, the punishment I was referring to was to get the police involved or ban the group from their church. Which I thought was clear but I guess not.

It's not clear because it's not a punishment. They deserve to have those things happen.

I agree. Which means OP isn't being an asshole for asking for an itemized list.

I never said he was for asking? Why are you just making things up?

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