AITA for refusing to rehome my dog for my stepson?

Everybody involved NTA but there are other steps that can be taken first before immediately having to rehome. Is the child allergic to the hair or the dander? Some dogs can be given special Shed-X treatments or use shampoos that dramatically reduce the amount of allergens they give off. 2. It may not be the dog itself. I worked for a family where they thought the child was allergic to the dog but it turns out he was allergic to the pollen the dog was carrying back from walks. 3. Can the child take allergy meds? Shots and gummy versions are available. If the allergy is more uncomfortable than dangerous, it is possible for some people to develop a tolerance to a certain pet over time, using allergy meds to treat the symptoms. 4. Is there a way to section a part of the house of as a “dog free” zone?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread