AITA for refusing to stop seeing my daughter over her sister?

This. NAH except June and Adam. I bet Ruth has felt awful all this time as her family is fractured and she was betrayed by her sister. My guess is she doesn't want her daughter or family affiliated with June or Adam at all and just wants to cut all ties. Understandable. It's a hard situation June has created for everyone. Ruth probably feels unsupported and like an outcast already after what was done, so why shouldn't she just cut ties for good? Especially if being a part of this family causes her more hurt and pain the happiness at this point. Also I think it was an asshole move to welcome Adam into the family. Did OP attend June and Adam's wedding? Even if you didn't cut ties with June how could you welcome Adam and think he is a good husband? A good man would not have done this to your family. June should have been off limits and vice versa. However, June is family and Adam is not. When they first got together 5 years ago (only 3 years after Ruth and Adam broke up) you should have made it clear he would never be welcomes because of how they got together. By supporting their union you took June's side.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent