AITA for screaming at my parents and banning them from any contact with my son after they punished him with no dinner?

NTA but also YTA

(NTA) Punishing a child by barring them from eating is literally never ok. Your parents honestly should have known this and should feel ashamed to have punished a child in such a way for something that was, at the end of the day, a truly trivial 'offense'. They need to seriously cut back on the intensity of their discipline.

(YTA) You need to take a step back and seriously analyze how you respond to issues. This was an issue, a serious one yes, but it wasn't life threatening, didn't cause any serious harm, and didn't financially tax anyone; it was strictly a emotional experience, and far from a traumatic one at that. Responding with a slew of cussing, name calling, and ultimatums is downright childish when you could have sat down with your parents and had a mature conversation about why what they did was wrong and what the consequences would be if it happened again.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread