AITA for shutting down access to my property and lakefront?

NAH My parents bought a property in a similar situation like this where our lake front property was the only access to the lake on our street. My parents had no issues with our neighbors using our lake access. They are very friendly, outgoing, and giving people though. Our street had many children that would have regular play dates so I guess they were somewhat involved in the community and they trusted the neighbors. Obviously you have a right to ban your neighbors from using your lake access if you don’t like it and it’s a threat to your dogs. But I think it’s still kind of a dick move. “I have money to own this beach access, so I’m going to make sure no one else can use it. Let me just hog all the beauty of living in this neighborhood and keep it for myself even though the community I’m joining has enjoyed it collectively for years.” It’s kind of a shame that the original owner didn’t donate a section of the lake access to the community. I saw the mention of a liability if someone got hurt on your property. Maybe you could donate a tiny section of the lake access to the community and put up a good fence so that you can give them access and not have your neighbors hate you without the liability.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread