AITA for telling a 20 yo repeat student "YOU WILL FAIL MY CLASS IF YOU COME IN HIGH"?

Everyone shitting on OP for her beliefs are the biased assholes. Regardless of her beliefs, this dude is clearly failing on an academic basis and not being a distraction to others is an academic requirement. Yes he’s being prescribed marijauna but he’s clearly abusing his prescription and making zero efforts otherwise. It doesn’t matter if OP is a Christian, the dude is failing purely academically. All the commenters saying YTA are just biased immature reddit children caught up in reddits anti Christian pro-weed culture and not looking at this objectively. I don’t have any qualms with weed, this guy is just clearly abusing it like someone with an icy addiction pops oxys, it’s not even slightly a legitimate excuse for his behaviour or lack of academic results

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread