AITA for telling my wife that I get to make the financial decisions because I make more than her now.

This year I got a job offer that I graciously took that pays nearly triple what my wife makes. She’s now going to be a stay at home with our first once the second one gets here.

I work shift work at 12-14hr days, I’m out for 7 and back for 7. When I’m out for those 7 I cannot contribute to house life apart from paying for bills and doing some financial work.

When I’m home I still help around the house, laundry, cooking, yard, dishes, baby or simply walking the dog. My work week out can be considered a break sometimes but by the weeks end I’m glad to be home and ready to give my days off 150% effort.

This said, financially everything is still split 50/50. Something pricey we want or need? We sit down and work the numbers out, we can always afford it but should we? Etc. If your spouse is horrible with money that doesn’t mean you should control it either(unless they really don’t want anything to do with it), finance management skills are learned. Guide them along to people or sites who can help them.

My mothers great budget oriented person so I picked up a lot of her habits financially, my wife was very bad with her spending. We’ve since corrected it and I can now rest assured she can cover the finances if I’m unable to and I no longer need to worry about her spending over budget.

Tl;dr, 50/50, money=shared regardless of income. Teach each other, learn from each other and share that knowledge.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent