AITA for telling my estranged daughter that financing her college education and giving her graduation presents was not an attempt to reconcile with her and walking out of a surprise party she threw for me?

NAH - Your daughter was 14 when she opted not to see you. A teenager with possible anger and confusion, possible misinformation and poor guidance by your ex and her new sugar daddy, who was going through puberty and hormonal changes made a choice that perhaps she never thought through, or did not understand the repercussions of.

Now, eleven years later, she has come around to reconnect. She has had over a decade to mature and grow, to ask questions and talk to her mom about you, finding out if her mother had contributed to you leaving, to find herself, and to come to terms with the fact that SHE opted to stop seeing you. At NO point during those 11 years, including 7 as an adult did she ever reach out to her father until now. She never wanted to connect with you because if she did, she could easily have done it. She chose again not to contact you. Not to spend time with her father. Not to be there for you or allow you to be there with her. She made those choices.

If she knows about the money or not is something you will likely not find out, especially if you keep out of contact. It is however interesting and possibly indicative of her character and motives that NOW that you are financially stable, her step-father is out of the picture, and she no longer has the lavish lifestyle that he provided for her that she is coming back around to reconnect. Nothing definitive by any means, but an interesting and suspect coincidence.

Perhaps she truly decided that she was ready to have a relationship with you, but that does not obligate you to forgive her for her choices. Actions have consequences, and if you choose to not see her again or reconcile, then she will have to live with that.

At the end of the day, however, you have a choice to make and I would give it a great amount of thought because while she has to live with her choices, YOU will have to live with yours as well.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread