AITA for telling my daughter I won’t pay for a degree that offends my values?

Definitely YTA for a lot of reasons people have pointed out, but...

I wouldn’t pay for my boys to do pointless degrees either. My older son is interested in the medieval studies program that our state university has, and I told him no way unless he can demonstrate that it’s a marketable degree.

Absolutely YTA for this. "Medieval studies" in and of itself is not a degree someone will list on a job description (outside museums/academia, which are STILL VALID CAREERS), but the skills you learn doing a humanities degree absolutely ARE the skills employers look for and poo-poo'ing the humanities because you don't understand how vitally they contribute to the workplace and our society/lives in general is pure ignorance.

I have a masters in medieval studies and an undergrad in Classics. My husband has a bachelors from a 4-year Great Books programs (basically Classics/Renaissance/Early Modern studies). We both work in lucrative fields and are in the top 5% of household incomes in the US. We would not have the careers we have without our humanities backgrounds, and we are far from alone in this within our industry.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread