AITA for telling my MIL and mother i'm not here to babysit my husband

This story stacks the deck SO highly in your favour that you couldn't possibly be the asshole but then (enter stage right) the "friend" with the utterly insane input that "has made you consider whether you really ARE" the asshole.

None of this is believable in the slightest. If his mom is a lawyer (with the hard work that achievement entails) I really doubt she expects you to be a housewife.

If your work is 2 hours away you're commuting 4 hours a day. No one would expect that person to be doing more than they are - 4 hour commute and a full day's work? You're already a superhero! Who could expect more??

This is either feminist or working-mother baiting fiction.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread