AITA for telling my SILs that if they ever prank my unborn baby, they will never see him again?


I absolutely love banter and inside jokes. I have had people put bouncy balls in my glove box. Someone once sent me a bag of gummy dicks as a joke. It was nothing that caused harm or annoyance. It was merely silly things that made you laugh and didn't impede my day.

But pranks... I hate them. They feel like bullying by people who are supposed to love you. And you never know when it is going to happen, so it makes me anxious. I was bullied a lot as a kid and most of the things they did could be considered "pranks" by today's standards. So I just refuse to take part in anything that isn't kind and upbeat.

So, I would absolutely tell someone not to prank my child.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread