AITA for telling my daughter I don't like her?

Wow YTA. A GIANT ah at that. You need get therapy for your daughter ASAP (& yourself while you’re at it to assess why the hell you DONT think YTA). How would you feel if you’re mother had said this to you? Have you stopped to think that Nina is rebeling and lying in response to her perception that you love Anna more? Any attention from was is good attention, even if it was for negative things. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not that you treat Anna better— it’s how your daughter perceived it. That makes it true for her, a teenager without the tools and knowledge of an adult. But I tend to believe that you’ve always liked Anna more. Maybe you didn’t want to admit it to yourself, but it is true and it came out in your everyday actions with them. Nina easily picked up on this. God, my heart breaks for Nina. You confirmed what she’s always known. As a teacher of high schoolers for many years, you should know you can’t take anything they say to heart. They’re fucking teenagers and they are going to lash out, wear their heart on their sleeve, and make stupid mistakes. This doesn’t make them bad people. There are many days when I don’t like one of my students — a few of my students I may not even like at all— but I WOULD NEVER tell them that!! You just told your own daughter. Ugh. Apologize and get therapy. This will take years to fix and you need to start now. She will never forget those words you said.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread