AITA for thinking a mentally disabled student is ruining my college games club?


I’ve never played tabletop, but I played on an RP realm in WoW for a long time, and most of the players I knew also played DnD at some point, so most of what we did was essentially a looser form of tabletop. (Also, I’m a nurse, so I have a small amount of experience with special needs.)

At one point, I was part of a guild, where the guild leader was “Everyone is included!” to the max. We had several players who were on the autism spectrum. Sometimes we had to have a discussion about what was appropriate for the setting and why, and for the most part that worked. (No, your death knight cannot summon an army of the dead in the cathedral square, and here’s why.)

There was one person in particular, who insisted on having every killing blow, and nothing bad ever happened to them. Multiple DMs (all of them, minus one) came together to speak to the guild leader about this player and how often his play style derailed sessions, despite explanation. It was kind of like trying to play tag with someone who never takes their hand off base.

The guild leader refused to do anything, stating he wouldn’t police players. The group of nearly seventy of us was all but disbanded three weeks later.

The player in question simply hung around until no one was left to play with, and then moved onto another guild where the same thing happened. The player learned nothing, and over a hundred individual players left out of frustration.

Coddling someone is not helpful to them learning how to navigate the world. Culturally, I think we tend to err on the side of letting people participate regardless of ability level, because really, doesn’t everyone want to be included? But allowing one person to ruin the game for not only your players, but you clearly isn’t fun. And you should not be doing a thing that isn’t fun.

I think it was mentioned above, that you should have a conversation about the rules, and that you will be enforcing them from now on. Anyone who is unhappy about the rules, or cannot follow them, would be welcome to start their own game. You may lose your sympathetic players, though.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread