AITA for threatening to sue my sister because her kids broke my iPad?

i mean... that’s clearly not what op is upset about though, nowhere in the post does he get angry about this putting a financial burden on his living situation - he just wants the $250 that he’s losing out on. since op also stated he had to save up to buy the ipad i would reasonably assume he has money coming in elsewhere, idk if that’s a job or family support, but from the post itself, there’s zero indication that this is his livelihood and not having the tablet for a few weeks or a month or whatever is going to put him out of house and home. I think he is a total brat from how he worded this post, that just won’t change. Like i said, if this had been about his livelihood being legitimately tarnished, i would probably feel different and understand his explosive reaction more, but that’s not what happened. His sister asked to pay in installments because she can’t afford it otherwise - it’s definitely a shitty situation all around but part of being an adult is being able to handle those types of situations. actions have consequences, like when you don’t keep your work materials safe, something might happen to it. when you are a careless parent, your kids might do something like this and it may spiral into turmoil for the family. so again, ESH lol.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent