AITA for wanting the age of consent to be lowered?

I didn't express myself well, sorry for that. I meant that, just because you are comfortable to have a relationship with an older man, others most likely aren't. I do not think parents would apreciate to sit there on the table for breakfast with a 40 year old man who came across their low-self-esteem 15 year old daughter whom liked the compliments of this grumpy man.

Such a law would affect(/effect ? Sorry not native) many more people than you and it would be selfish to request such a change out of personal preferences. May you don't force your believes on others, but still such thoughts could actively harm others if Next-door Frank gets encouragement for his shady desires because of statements like this. Its like saying underage drinking is okay. The idea might not harm anyone, but the implementation is harmfull.

And I don't think it is fair to compare pedophiles with gay-people or gay marriage. While maybe some people still think both is equally reprehensible (fuck those people) , Pedophilia is still a crime (I do not think i have to mention why that thing is unethical and disgusting af) and to instigate someone to this (indirectly) is not cool.

And this sub is for telling you our opinions. I think you are the asshole in this story, but that is just my opinion. It is your matter wether you listen or ignore my thougts.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread