AITA for wanting my son to move back closer to his family?

Cultural or not, guilt is never going to make him want to be closer to you... I live a 30min drive from my (asian) mom and lost my grandma 2 years ago. There was so much guilt about me moving away - and mind you, I'm 31 with a dog and a partner. I drove home frequently to help caretake but it was never enough and with therapy, I learned it would be at the expense of my mental health to give in. My grandma and her mother gave up their lives for family. My mom never moved away from my grandma. It's beautiful until it's abusive and you can't leave for more than 2+ hrs without calls about "abandonment". Get help. Love your kid's happiness and find your own happiness, that's the only way he'll want to be around you.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread